higher education for Negroes in Maryland, including Mor-
gan College, and the appropriation for Negro scholar-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That there is hereby created a Commission, to
be known as the Maryland Commission on Higher Educa-
tion of Negroes, the said Commission to be composed of the
following members:
Judge Morris A. Soper
Dr. Barnett M. Rhetta
John W. Haywood
Carl J. Murphy
Dr. Ivan E. McDougle.
Dr. David Robertson
W. A. C. Hughes, Jr.
Francis M. Wood
Dr. William Rosenau
Dr. Arthur O. Lovejoy
It shall be the duty of said Commission to make a study
and survey of the needs of higher education in Maryland,
including Morgan College, and to make such recommenda-
tions as may be necessary to provide facilities for the
higher education of Negroes in the State of Maryland. The
report of said Commission shall, be submitted to the Gov-
ernor and General Assembly not later than January 15,
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the
duty of said Commission to administer the sum of Ten
Thousand Dollars ($10, 000) included in the Budget for the
years 1935-1936 and 1936-1937 for scholarships to Negroes
to attend college outside the State of Maryland, it being
the main purpose of these scholarships to give the benefit
of such college, medical, law, or other professional courses
to the colored youth of the state who do not have facilities
in the state for such courses, but the said commission may
in its judgment award any of said scholarships to Morgan
College. Each of said scholarships shall be of the value of
not over Two Hundred Dollars ($200). Each candidate
awarded such scholarship must be a bona fide resident of
Maryland,; must maintain a satisfactory standard in deport-
ment, scholarship and health after the award is made, and
must meet all additional charges beyond the amount of the
scholarship to enable him to pursue his studies.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the appropria-
tions contained in the State Budget to Morgan College Com-