the duties which he or she desires to assume, that he or
she has a high school education or the equivalent thereof,
and that he or she is a graduate from a regular recognized
college of embalming whose course of instruction is not
less than six months, comprising eight hundred and forty
hours of study, or that said applicant has had two years
of practical experience as an apprentice with a licensed
embalmer in this State and that he or she registered as
an apprentice with the State Board of Undertakers of
Maryland at the time he or she started to serve his or her
apprenticeship, then^ said applicant shall be examined the-
oretically and practically in anatomy, sanitation, disinfec-
tion, embalming, caring for and preparing lor burial and
shipment, dead human bodies, and in the laws and regu-
lations relating to contagious, infectious, and communic-
able diseases, and if said applicant shall pass said exami-
nation, the said Board shall issue to said applicant or appli-
cants upon the payment of a fee of five dollars a license
to practice the profession of embalming in the same man-
ner as is provided in Section 237A of this Article, and
shall register in the registration book provided in Section
237A of this Article such applicant or applicants as duly
licensed embalmers. On payment of one examination fee,
the applicant shall be entitled to two examinations and no
more; and said Board shall hold such examination an-
nually. All fees collected by said State Board of Under-
takers under the provisions of this Article shall go to
said State Board to be used by it for the purpose of de-
fraying its expenses.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect on June 1, 1935.
Approved May 17, 195.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section
470 of Article 27 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1924 Edition), title "Crimes and Punishments, " sub-
title "Receiving Stolen Goods, Money or Securities, " and
to add a new section to said Article, said new section to
be known as Section 470A and to follow immediately
after Section 470 of said Article, relating to receiving-
stolen goods, money or securities prescribing the penalty