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Session Laws, 1935
Volume 579, Page 1190   View pdf image (33K)
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the Fire Board hereinafter created, its successor or succes-
sors, shall then determine the amount necessary to be raised
for the ensuing year to maintain and operate the said Ken-
sington Volunteer Fire Department, Incorporated, includ-
ing payment in whole or in part of any existing encum-
brance, and then after determining the number of cents per
one hundred dollars ($100) of said assessed valuation nec-
essary to raise the required amount for the ensuing year, so
certify to the Board of County Commissioners. The County
Commissioners in their next annual levy shall levy said tax
not in excess of ten (10) cents on each one hundred dollars
($100) of assessable property on all land and improve-
ments assessed for the County tax purposes within said
area, which tax shall be levied and collected, and have the
same priority rights, bear the same interest and penalties
and in every respect be treated the same as County Taxes
but not to exceed the rate hereinabove provided.

The taxes so levied for the ensuing year shall be collected
by the tax collecting authorities for said county and every
sixty (60) days they shall remit the whole amount of taxes
so collected to the Treasurer of the said Kensington Volun-
teer Fire Department, Incorporated, or its successor or suc-
cessors, upon the said Treasurer giving a corporate bond
to said Board of County Commissioners to be approved by
the Judge of the Circuit Court for said County in a penal
sum to be fixed by said Judge, conditioned upon faithful
discharge of the duties of said Treasurer. From the money
so received the Treasurer of the said Kensington Volun-
teer Fire Department, Incorporated, its successor or succes-
sors, shall upon approval of the Fire Board hereinafter
created, pay all proper costs, expenses, claims and demands
and such principal and interest on any encumbrance on
real estate or equipment owned by said Kensington Volun-
teer Fire Department, Incorporated, as may be due, that
are necessary properly to maintain and operate said Ken-
sington Volunteer Fire Department, Incorporated. Should
the tax so collected in any one year be inadequate to defray
the said costs, expenses, claims and demands such deficiency
may be added to the amount required for the next ensuing
year and be levied and collected in the next year's taxes,
provided the rate shall not be in excess of that above

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That there is hereby
created a Fire Board to manage the finances of the said
Kensington Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., and to exer-
cise such other authority as is vested in it by this Act. Said


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Session Laws, 1935
Volume 579, Page 1190   View pdf image (33K)
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