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Session Laws, 1935
Volume 579, Page 1189   View pdf image (33K)
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center line of The Glen Road, crossing the Metropolitan
Branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad right-of-way;
thence continuing easterly along the center line of the For-
est Glen Road to the intersection of the Forest Glen Road
and the Colesville Road; thence northerly along the center
line of the Colesville Road to the center line of the North-
west Branch; thence northerly along the center line of the
Northwest Branch to the intersection of the Northwest
Branch and a public road running westerly from Northwest
Branch through Lay Hill to the Brookeville Road; thence
westerly along the center line of said public road to the
Brookeville Road; thence southerly along the center line of
the Brookeville Road to the intersection of the Brookeville
Road and the Aspen Church Road; thence westerly along
the center line of the Aspen Church Road to a point where
the said road crosses a stream of water known as Watery
Branch; thence southerly along the center line of said
Watery Branch to a point where it crosses the Viers Mill
Road; thence in a northwesterly direction along the center
line of Viers Mill Road to the intersection of the Viers Mill
Road and the Montrose Road; thence westerly along the
center line of the Montrose Road to the Intersection of the
Montrose Road and the Rockville Road; thence southerly
along the center line of the Rockville Road to Grosvenor
Lane; thence northerly along the East side of Rockville
Road to the Garrett Park Road; thence easterly along the
center line of the Garrett Park Road to the corporate limits
of the Town of Garrett Park; thence along the southern
boundary of said corporate limits of. the Town of Garrett
Park to the point of beginning.

The County Commissioners of Montgomery County are
hereby authorized, empowered and directed to levy annually
against all of the assessable real property within the above
described area, a tax sufficient, but not to exceed ten (10)
cents on each one hundred dollars ($100) of assessable real
property, to pay the annual requirements or expenditures
necessary to maintain and operate the said fire department,
now known as the Kensington Volunteer Fire Department,
Incorporated, including payment of encumbrance on real
estate or equipment owned by said Kensington Volunteer
Fire Department, Incorporated. The said tax shall be de-
termined, levied, collected and paid over in the following
manner: At least thirty (30) days before the tax levying
period of each year the County Commissioners of said
County shall certify to the Kensington Volunteer Fire De-
partment, Incorporated, its successor or successors, the
whole valuation of assessable property within said area and


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Session Laws, 1935
Volume 579, Page 1189   View pdf image (33K)
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