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Session Laws, 1935
Volume 579, Page 1188   View pdf image (33K)
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the Supervisors of Elections of said County not to place the
aforesaid words on said ballots.

SEC. 19. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1935.

Approved May 17, 1935.


AN ACT to authorize and direct the County Commissioners
of Montgomery County, Maryland, to make special levies
of not more than, ten (10) cents on each one hundred
dollars ($100) of the assessable value of the real and
personal property within certain parts of the Fourth and
Thirteenth Election Districts of Montgomery County
for the purpose of maintaining and operating the Fire
Department known as the Kensington Volunteer Fire
Department, Incorporated, within the said certain area;
and providing for the manner in which the number of
cents on each one hundred dollars ($100) of the assess-
able value of the real property within said certain area
to be levied each year may be determined, and authoriz-
ing and directing the tax collecting authorities for said
County to pay over to the Treasurer of the Kensington
Volunteer Fire Department, Incorporated, its successor
or successors, the tax so levied and collected for dis-
bursements for the said purpose of maintaining and
operating the said Kensington Volunteer Fire Depart-
ment, Incorporated, in said area, and providing for a
Fire Board to manage the finances of said Kensington
Volunteer Fire Department, Incorporated.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That for the purpose of providing funds with
which to maintain and operate a fire department within
certain parts of the Fourth and Thirteenth Election Dis-
tricts of Montgomery County, particularly designated and
described, and lying and being within the bounds, courses
and distances as follows, to wit:

Beginning at the intersection of Rock Creek and the
southern boundary line of the corporate limits of the Town
of Garrett Park; thence following the center line of Rock
Creek in a southerly direction to a point where Rock Creek
is crossed by The Glen Road; thence northerly along the


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Session Laws, 1935
Volume 579, Page 1188   View pdf image (33K)
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