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Session Laws, 1935
Volume 579, Page 1187   View pdf image (33K)
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SEC. 17. And be it further enacted, That as a prelimi-
nary and prerequisite to the exercise of the powers and
authority hereby granted and conferred, the sense of the
legal voters of Kent County, Maryland, shall be first taken
and had thereto at an election to be held for the purpose in
Kent County, Maryland, on the day of the next ensuing
election on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in
November, 1936, when the question shall be submitted to
the legal voters of Kent County, Maryland, as to whether
or not bonds shall be issued for the purchase of ground, if
any is deemed necessary, for erecting, building, construct-
ing and equipping the new buildings provided for herein
at Galena, Chestertown and Rock Hall, and for the re-
modeling, renovating, enlarging and equipping the present
high school building located at Chestertown, or for the
erecting and equipping of a new high school building for
white youth at or near Chestertown, all in Kent
County, Maryland, under the provisions of this Act. And
at said election this question shall be submitted on sep-
arate ballots prepared for the purpose by the Supervisors
of Elections in Kent County, Maryland, each of which said
ballots shall have the words "For School at Galena, "
"Against School at Galena, " "For School at Rock Hall, "
"Against School at Rock Hall, " "For Colored School at
Chestertown, " "Against Colored School at Chestertown, "
"For White School at Chestertown, " "Against White School
at Chestertown, " printed thereon, and separate ballot boxes
shall be furnished for the purpose, and also for voting upon
any and all other bond issues which may be referred to the
voters to be voted upon at said election by the Supervisors
of Election, and if a majority of the votes at
said election upon said question shall be "For School
at Galena" or for any other one of said schools, then
the provisions of this Act relating to said particular school
shall be in full force and effect and then and not before the
County Commissioners of Kent County, Maryland, shall
proceed to execute the powers and duties imposed upon
them by this Act, but if the majority of the votes cast at
said election upon said question shall be "Against School at
Galena" or against any other one of said schools, then this
Act shall be of no effect insofar as it relates to said particu-
lar school.

SEC. 18. And be it further enacted, That in any event,
if any school buildings shall have been erected, or in the
course of erection, out of other funds before said election,
then the County Commissioners of said County shall direct


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Session Laws, 1935
Volume 579, Page 1187   View pdf image (33K)
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