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Session Laws, 1935
Volume 579, Page 1186   View pdf image (33K)
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tering upon the discharge of the duties imposed upon
said Commission by the provisions of this Act, shall col-
lectively as such Commission give bond in the penalty of
twenty thousand dollars; likewise the members of the
Chestertown Public High School Commission, before enter-
ing upon the discharge of the duties imposed upon said
Commission by the provisions of this Act, shall collectively
as such Commission give bond in the penalty of one hun-
dred thousand dollars; likewise members of the Rock Hall
Public High School Commission, before entering upon the
discharge of the duties imposed upon said Commission by
the provisions of this Act, shall collectively as such Com-
mission give bond in the penalty of twenty thousand dol-
lars; likewise the members of the Board of Education of
Kent County, Maryland, before entering upon the dis-
charge of the duties imposed upon said body by the pro-
visions of this Act, shall collectively as such body give bond
in the penalty of thirty thousand dollars. All of the above
mentioned bonds shall be given to the State of Maryland
with security to be approved by the Clerk of the Circuit
Court of Kent County, Maryland, with the condition that
the obligors shall well and faithfully execute the duties im-
posed upon them by the provisions of this Act, and after
the erection and completion and equipment of their re-
spective public school buildings, they each shall turn over
to the Board of County Commissioners of Kent County,
Maryland, all sums of money and property, if there be any,
remaining in their hands. All of the bonds provided for
in this Act shall be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court
of Kent County, Maryland, and to be recorded by him,
and the expense of recording said bonds, together with
premiums paid a Surety Company therefore, if corporate
bonds are obtained, shall be paid out of the funds in the
hands of said Commissions.

SEC. 16. And be it further enacted, That each of the
commissions hereinbefore named, before purchasing their
respective grounds where additional grounds or new sites
are necessary to be purchased, and before contracting for
the building of their respective school buildings, may set
aside and reserve out of the funds which they shall respec-
tively receive from the County Commissioners of Kent!
County, Maryland, as hereinbefore provided, such sums as
they may deem necessary for the equipment of their re-
spective school buildings, including the cost of heating and
lighting the same.


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Session Laws, 1935
Volume 579, Page 1186   View pdf image (33K)
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