AN ACT to grant Worcester County Home Rule as to the
holding of any party conventions in lieu of primary elec-
tions, by providing for a Referendum and to provide that
Section 190 of Article 33 of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land, title "Elections, " sub-title "Primary Elections, " shall
be repealed in so far as said sections are inconsistent with
the terms of this Act; and to provide for the time when
and the conditions under which such repeal shall take
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That notwithstanding any provision of any Pub-
lic General or Public Local Laws, and in furtherance of the
principle of Home Rule, candidates for county officers, State
Senate and members of the House of Delegates shall be
selected in Worcester County by county convention, and the
nomination of such candidates by such convention, shall be
duly certified by the Chairman and Secretary of such. con-
vention not less than twenty days before the date of the
general election to the Board of Election Supervisors of
said county; and it shall be the duty of said Supervisors to
place the name of such candidates upon the official ballots
in the manner prescribed by the general election laws of
this State.
Candidates for delegate to the party convention shall
file their candidacies in the same manner as though they
were the candidates for nomination of a political party at
a primary election. Each election district shall be entitled
to one delegate for each two hundred registered voters or
fraction thereof above one hundred in the said district.
There shall be at least two delegates for every election
district. In the event that no more than the allotted num-
ber shall file their candidacy in any election district in Wor-
cester County for delegate to the convention of any political
party, no election shall be held; however, in the event that
more than the alloted number of delegates shall have filed
their certificates of candidacy in any election district, then
an election shall be held exactly as in the case of a primary
election and the candidates, totalling the allotted number,
receiving the highest number of votes, shall be declared
delegates to the county convention of their party. The time
and place of holding the party conventions and the pro-
cedure therein shall be in the discretion of the State Central
Committee of each political party.