the purpose of the amendments and new enactments
hereby made being to prescribe additional qualifications
for voters in municipal elections in the said Town of Ta-
koma Park; to provide for the election on the first Mon-
day in May next of three councilmen in the said Town to
serve for the term of one year; to authorize and direct
the Mayor and Council of the said Town to take a Town
census and to divide the said Town into wards and pro-
vide for changes in the boundaries of such wards to pre-
serve the equality of population therein; to provide for
the election of the Mayor and six councilmen of the said
Town on the first Monday in May, 1936, and for the
establishment of polling places in each ward; to provide
for the nomination of the Mayor and councilmen in 1936
and thereafter; to provide for a general registration by
wards prior to the election in 1936; to require the publi-
cation of a resume of the auditor's report and recom-
mendations; to require bond or collateral security for
deposits of Town funds in banking institutions; to pro-
hibit the Mayor and members of the Council from being
financially interested in contracts or other transactions in
which the said Town is a party and to prevent the Mayor
or any member of the Council so interested from par-
ticipating in discussion or voting with respect thereto
and to provide for punishment therefor; to authorize and
direct the Mayor and Council of the said Town to levy a
tax for fire protection in support of the Takoma Park
Volunteer Fire Department, Incorporated, and to re-
quire the Town Treasurer to pay over the proceeds of
such tax to the said Department or its legal successor;
to prescribe the purposes for which the proceeds of such
tax shall be expended by the Department and to require
the Department to submit to the Mayor and Council a
report covering expenditures from the funds so paid
over; to authorize and direct the County Commissioners
of Montgomery County to levy and collect a special tax
for fire protection within that portion of the Ninth Pre-
cinct of the 13th Election District lying outside the cor-
porate limits of the said Town, and to pay the proceeds
of said special tax to the Takoma Park Volunteer Fire
Department, Incorporated, or its legal successor; to au-
thorize the semi-annual payment of Town taxes; and to
authorize, empower and direct the Mayor and Council
of the said Town to proceed with certain public improve-
ments upon the petition of the property owners repre-
senting two-thirds of the assessable footage abutting such
public improvements.
(Vetoed. )