The license fee for each and every person, partnership,
association or corporation not residing in Harford County,
and not having its principal place of business in Harford
County, but having its residence incorporation and place
of business in any other County in the State of Maryland
or in Baltimore City, as the case may be, by whatever
means the working outfit for driving, sinking, boring or
digging wells may be operated or propelled along or upon
streets or thoroughfares of Harford County, shall be
twenty-five dollars ($25. 00) per annum, or any portion
thereof for each separate well driving, sinking, boring or
digging unit working or operating in said County.
The license fee for each and every person, partnership,
association or corporation, not residing in the State of
Maryland, nor incorporated therein, and not having its
chief place of business in said State of Maryland, by what-
ever means the working outfit for driving, sinking, boring
or digging wells may be operated or propelled along or
upon the streets or thoroughfares of Harford County, shall
be two hundred and fifty dollars ($250. 00) per annum, or
any portion thereof for each separate well drilling, sinking,
boring or digging unit working or operating in said Har-
ford County, all of which amounts so payable for licenses
as hereinbefore set out shall be paid to the County Treas-
urer of Harford County for the use of Harford County.
Said licenses shall expire on the first day of January in
each year and shall not be transferable, except, that for
the year 1935 the said County Commissioners may pro-
rate all such licenses for the number of months that they
shall severally be in force prior to January 1, 1936.
The Board of County Commissioners may revoke such
licenses at any time by notice in writing to the address
given in the application of the license in question, and if
the address has been omitted then by a notice in writing
addressed to the Licensee at Bel Air, Postoffice, Harford
County, Maryland, whenever it shall appear to the satis-
faction of said Board of County Commissioners that the
licensee has violated the provisions of this sub-title, or any
of the laws of Harford County, relating to the carrying out
of the business of well driving, sinking, boring or digging
of any kind of wells in said Harford County.
494C. The following regulations and conditions shall
be observed by every person, partnership, association or
corporation licensed under this sub-section. Each Unit, as
aforesaid, working or operating in Harford County shall
have the name, address and the number of his or its license