and the year of the date thereof painted conspicuously in
some contrasting color on his or its said working unit or
operating unit, in letters and figures not less than three (3)
inches in height and legible, or have the same printed or
stamped on a metal plate the letters and figures to be
painted orange on a black background, and said unit shall
always carry such license and shall exhibit the same when-
ever required by any police officer or other officer author-
ized under the laws in effect in Harford County to make
494D. The term operating unit or working unit for the
purpose of this sub-title shall mean and include only such
machinery, tools and equipment as shall be necessary to
most successfully drive, sink, bore or dig one well at one
time whatever said well shall be for.
494E. This sub-title shall not apply to any person who
digs a well, cistern, reservoir or cess-pool on his own prem-
ises by mattock, pick, shovels, spade and bucket and wind-
lass, unless he shall employ more than four laborers not
regularly employed by him on or about his premises, and
any men who shall be employed as drivers of trucks for
the purpose of hauling supplies to or from the well, cistern,
reservoir or cess-pool shall not be counted as members of
the digging crew or labor, unless they shall actually dig
in the well or pit.
494F. Any person, partnership, association or corpora-
tion or any agent, servant, employee or officer thereof vio-
lating any of the provisions of this sub-title shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be
fined the amount of the lawful license fee hereunder, to
wit: Ten dollars ($10. 00) for any resident of Harford
County; twenty-five dollars ($25. 00) for any resident of
the State of Maryland not residing in Harford County; and
two hundred and fifty dollars ($250. 00) for any non-resi-
dent of the State of Maryland, for each and every offense,
and each day or fraction of a day any person, partnership,
association or corporation shall be engaged in such busi-
ness without a license shall be considered as a separate and
distinct offense.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1935.
Approved May 17, 1935.