AN ACT to add six new sections to Article 13 of the Code
of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Harford
County, " to be under sub-title "Wells, " said new sections
to be known as Sections 494A, 494B, 494C, 494D, 494E
and 494F and to follow immediately after Section 494
of said Article, providing for the licensing of all the
businesses of Well Driving, Well Sinking, Well Boring
and Well Digging in Harford County and providing pen-
alties for the violations thereof.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That six new sections be and they are hereby
added to Article 13 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland, title "Harford County, " to be under sub-title
"Wells, " said new sections to be known as Sections 494A,
494B, 494C, 494D, 494E and 494F, to follow immediately
after Section 494 of said Article, and to read as follows:
494A. It shall be unlawful for any person, partnership,
association or corporation to conduct or operate the busi-
ness of driving, sinking, boring or digging wells of any
kind for any purpose in Harford County, as in this sub-
section defined, without first having obtained a license so
to do. Written application therefor shall be made to the
Board of County Commissioners on forms prepared by
said Board of County Commissioners. Such application
shall be under oath and shall contain the name and address
including residence of the applicant, and if the applicant
is a partnership the name and address of each member, and
if a corporation or association the place of incorporation
and the names and addresses of its officers and their respec-
tive residences. The application shall contain all such fur-
ther information as may be required by the said Board of
County Commissioners in order to fully inform said Board
of County Commissioners fully as to the nature of the busi-
ness, the kind of equipment and facilities to be used.
494B. The license fee for each and every person, part-
nership, association or corporation residing in and having
his or its principal place of business in Harford County in
the State of Maryland by whatsoever means the working
outfit for driving, sinking, boring or digging wells may be
operated or propelled along or upon streets or thorough-
fares of Harford County shall be ten dollars ($10. 00) per
annum or for any portion thereof for each separate well-
driving, sinking, boring or digging unit working or oper-
ating in said County.