The board of county commissioners of each county shall
levy sufficient funds to meet the scale of salaries provided
for in this section; and the salary of no high school princi-
pal or teacher regularly employed in the approved high
schools for colored children at the time this section (as
re-enacted in 1922) goes into effect shall be diminished by
reason of any of its provisions, but every such high school
principal or teacher shall be entitled to any increase in sal-
ary that may herein be granted, from the time this section
(as re-enacted in 1922) goes into effect.
High schools for colored children shall be kept open not
less than one hundred and sixty (160) actual school days
in each year, and such high schools shall be entitled to State
aid when approved by the State Board of Education as pro-
vided for other high schools.
All salaries as hereinbefore set forth in this section shall
be reduced for the fiscal year beginning September 1, 1935,
and ending August 31, 1936, and for the fiscal year begin-
ning September 1, 1936, and ending August 31, 1937, in ac-
cordance with the following annual scale of reductions, any
and all other provisions of this section notwithstanding:
Salaries under $1, 200 shall be reduced by 10%
All provisions of this section creating any salary increase
because of length of teaching experience due to employment
during one or more years between September 1, 1932, and
August 31, 1936, are suspended and non-operative for the
fiscal year beginning September 1, 1935, and ending August
31, 1936, and for the fiscal year beginning September 1,
1936, and ending August 31, 1937, any and all other provi-
sions of this section to the contrary notwithstanding.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the Governor
and/or the Board of Public Works be and they are hereby,
authorized, empowered and requested to pay out of any of
the contingent funds in the budget, the cost of the bus
transportation for the public schools of Maryland, the said
payment to be made into the "Equalization Fund, " and to
be distributed through it as now provided by statute. And
the Governor and/or the Board of Public Works are further
authorized, empowered and requested, if any budget funds
are available, to restore the schedule of teacher's salaries,
hereinbefore prescribed to the extent of one half of the
respective amount so specified.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1935.
Approved May 17, 1935.