August 31, 1936, are suspended and non-operative for the
fiscal year beginning September 1, 1935, and ending Au-
gust 31, 1936, and for the fiscal year beginning September
1, 1936, and ending August 31, 1937, any and all other pro-
visions of this section to the contrary notwithstanding.
203. No teacher regularly employed in an approved
high school for colored children in the State of Maryland
shall receive a salary of less than eighty dollars ($80) per
month; provided, that if such teacher holds a high school
teacher's certificate of the first class and has taught in an
approved high school for colored children in the State of
Maryland for a period of three years, such teacher shall
receive a salary of not less than ninety dollars ($90) per
month; provided, further, if such teacher holds a high
school teacher's certificate of the first class and has taught
in an approved high school for colored children in the State
of Maryland for a period of six years, such teacher shall re-
ceive a salary of not less than ninety-five dollars ($95) per
No principal regularly employed in an approved high
school for colored children in the State of Maryland shall
receive a salary of less than ninety-five dollars ($95) per
month; provided, that if such principal holds a high school
principal's certificate of the first class and has served as
principal of an approved high school for colored children
in the State of Maryland for a period of three years, such
principal shall receive a salary of not less than one hundred
and ten dollars ($110) per month; provided, further, if
such principal holds a high school principal's certificate of
the first class and has served as principal of an approved
high school for colored children in the State of Maryland
for a period of six years, such principal shall receive a
salary of not less than one hundred and twenty dollars
($120) per month; and provided, further, if an approved
high school for colored children employs six full-time high
school teachers and has maintained an average daily at-
tendance of one hundred pupils during the preceding year,
the principal of such school shall receive ten dollars ($10)
per month more than the foregoing schedule requires.
Principals and teachers in all high school for colored chil-
dren, employed on provisional certificates, may be paid ten
dollars ($10) per month less than the foregoing schedule
requires, and in any county such principals and teachers
shall be paid at least ten dollars ($10) per month less than
shall be paid in such county to fully qualified principals
and teachers in high schools for colored children.