supervising teacher in the State of Maryland for a period
of four years, he or she shall be paid an annual salary of
not less than two thousand three hundred and forty dol-
lars ($2, 340); and if he or she has acted as supervising
teacher in the State of Maryland for a period of seven
years, he or she shall be paid an annual salary of not less
than two thousand six hundred and forty dollars ($2, 640).
"With the approval of the State Superintendent of Schools,
county boards of education may employ helping teachers
under the conditions for supervising teachers prescribed in
this section at an annual salary of six hundred dollars
($600) less than that paid to supervising teachers. The
State of Maryland shall pay, as hereinafter provided, out of
the General State School Fund to the treasurer of the
county board of education two-thirds of the annual salaries
of the supervising teachers or helping teachers required by
this section. County boards of education are free to employ
as many additional supervising teachers or helping teachers
as in their judgment are necessary, but the State shall not
share in the payment of their salaries. The State of Mary-
land shall pay, as hereinafter provided, to the Board of
School Commissioners of Baltimore City two-thirds of the
annual salaries of not more than ten supervising teachers.
(2) There shall be appointed in each county at least one
attendance officer, whose duty it shall be to compel the reg-
ular attendance of children at school. Such person shall
receive such compensation as the county board of education
shall direct; provided that the appointment of any person
as an attendance officer shall be invalid without the written
approval of the State Superintendent of Schools. And pro-
vided, further, that no attendance officer, appointed under
the provisions of this section or continued in office under
the provisions of this section, shall be paid an annual salary
of less than twelve hundred dollars ($1, 200), and the State
of Maryland shall pay, as hereinafter provided, out of the
General State School Fund to the treasurer of the county
board of education the entire annual salary of one attend-
ance officer not to exceed twelve hundred dollars ($1, 200),
provided that the county board of education shall provide
suitable individual means of transportation for the attend-
ance officer. County boards of education may pay an addi-
tional amount to the attendance officer, but the State shall
not share in this additional payment. County boards of
education are free to employ as many additional attendance
officers as in their judgment are necessary, subject to the
approval of the State Superintendent of Schools, but the
State shall not share in the payment of their salaries. Pro-