vided that the State Board of Education in its discretion
may excuse any county from employing an attendance offi-
cer and may designate the county superintendent of schools,
the supervising teacher or the helping teacher to perform
the duties of the attendance officer, and when so designated
the amount allowed each county for such work shall be used
for general school purposes.
(3) There shall be employed in each county at least one
statistical and stenographic clerk.
(4) And such other clerical, statistical and stenogra-
phic assistants and such other professional assistants, as-
sistant superintendents, supervising teachers, helping
teachers, attendance officers, medical inspectors and school
nurses as the county board of education shall authorize;
provided that no professional assistant shall be appointed
who does not hold the appropriate certificate issued by the
State Superintendent of Schools, and the appointment of no
professional assistant shall be valid without the written
approval of the State Superintendent of Schools.
The board of county commissioners of each county shall
levy sufficient funds to meet: the scale of salaries provided
for in this section and shall not deny any part of the
amount requested for any one school year by the county
board of education to be raised by local taxation for the
payment of the salaries of the professional and clerical as-
sistants of the county superintendent; and the salary of no
supervising teacher, helping teacher, or attendance officer,
regularly employed at the time this section (as re-enacted
in 1922) goes into effect, shall be diminished by reason of
any of its provisions, but they shall be entitled to any in-
crease in salary that may herein be granted from the time
this section (as re-enacted in 1922) goes into effect.
All salaries as hereinbefore set forth in Paragraphs (1)
and (2) of this section shall be reduced for the fiscal year
beginning September 1, 1935, and ending August 31, 1936,
and for the fiscal year beginning September 1, 1936, and
ending August 31, 1937, in accordance with the following
annual salary scale of reductions, any and all other provi-
sions of this section and paragraphs (1) and (2) to the
contrary notwithstanding.
Salaries under $1, 200 shall be reduced by 10%
Salaries from $1, 200 to $1, 799 shall be reduced by 11%
Salaries from $1, 800 to $2, 399 shall be reduced by 12%
Salaries from $2, 400 to $2, 999 shall be reduced by 13%
All provisions of this section creating any salary increase
because of length of teaching experience due to employment