immorality, misconduct in office, incompetency, insubordi-
nation, or wilful neglect of duty, and he shall see that all
regular appointees of the county board of education devote
their entire time to their duties. But the qualification of
all appointees, their tenure and compensation, except as
may hereinafter be provided, shall be determined by the
county board of education. The office of the county superin-
tendent of schools shall, beginning with the school year
1922-1923, be provided as follows with professional, cleri-
cal, statistical and stenographic assistants, provided that
all professional, clerical, statistical and stenographic as-
sistants holding office at the time of the enactment of this
section shall continue to serve to the end of the terms for
which they were originally appointed, and until their suc-
cessors qualify, unless removed as herein provided; and
provided, further, that they shall be paid, beginning with
the school year 1922-1923, on the basis of the salaries here-
in specified:
(1) In each county employing less than eighty (80)
teachers in the white elementary schools, there shall be ap-
pointed one supervising teacher or helping teacher; in each
county employing eighty (80) but less than one hundred
and twenty (120) teachers in the white elementary schools,
there shall be appointed two supervising teachers or help-
ing teachers; in each county employing one hundred and
twenty (120) but not more than one hundred and sixty
(160) teachers in the white elementary schools, there shall
be appointed three supervising teachers or helping teach-
ers; in each county employing more than one hundred and
sixty (160) teachers in the white elementary schools, there
shall be appointed one supervising teacher or helping teach-
er for each additional fifty (50) teachers or major fraction
thereof in the white elementary schools; and these supervis-
ing teachers or helping teachers shall receive such compen-
sation as the county board of education shall direct; pro-
vided that no person shall be eligible for appointment as
supervising teacher or helping teacher who does not hold
from the State Superintendent of Schools a certificate in
supervision as provided for in Section 85 of this Article;
nor shall the appointment of any person by a county board
of education as supervising teacher or helping teacher be
valid without the written approval of the State Superin-
tendent of Schools. And provided, further, that no super-
vising teacher, appointed under the provisions of this sec-
tion or continued in office under the provisions of this sec-
tion, shall be paid an annual salary of less than two thou-
sand and forty dollars ($2, 040), and if he or she has acted as