than ten days' notice. In case of vacancy due to any cause,
the county board of education shall fill the vacancy and the
appointment shall be for a full term of four years, and
until a successor shall qualify.
The board of county commissioners of each county shall
levy sufficient funds to meet the salaries provided for in
this section; and the salary of no county superintendent
regularly employed at the time this section (as re-enacted
in 1922) goes into effect shall be diminished by reason of
any of its provisions, but every county superintendent shall
be entitled to any increase in salary which may herein be
granted at the time this section (as re-enacted in 1922)
goes into effect.
All salaries as hereinbefore set forth in this section shall
be reduced for the fiscal year beginning September 1, 1935,
and ending August 31, 1936, and for the fiscal year begin-
ning September 1, 1936, and ending August 31, 1937, in
accordance with the following annual scale of reductions,
any and all other provisions of this section notwithstand-
Salaries from $2, 400 to $2, 999 shall be reduced by 13%.
Salaries from $3, 000 to $3, 599 shall be reduced by 14%.
Salaries from $3, 600 and over shall be reduced by 15%.
All provisions of this section creating any salary in-
crease because of length of teaching experience due to em-
ployment during one or more years between September 1,
1932, and August 31, 1936, are suspended and non-opera-
tive for the fiscal year beginning September 1, 1935, and
ending August 31, 1936, and for the fiscal year beginning
September 1, 1936, and ending August 31, 1937, any and
all other provisions of this section to the contrary notwith-
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That Section 145 of
Article 77 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, 1924 Edi-
tion, title "Public Education, " sub-title "The County Su-
perintendent of Schools, " as amended by Chapter 224 of
the Acts of 1933, be and the same is hereby repealed and
re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
145. The county superintendent of schools, acting under
the rules and regulations of the county board of education,
shall be responsible for the administration of the office of
the county superintendent of schools. He shall nominate,
for appointment by the county board of education, all the
professional, clerical, statistical and stenographic assist-
ants of the office; he shall recommend their removal for