paid an annual salary of less than two thousand nine hun-
dred and forty dollars ($2, 940); and if the county super-
intendent of such county has acted as county superintend-
ent in the State of Maryland for a period of four years,
he shall receive an annual salary of not less than three
thousand two hundred and forty dollars ($3, 240); and, if
the county superintendent of such county. has acted as
county superintendent in the State of Maryland for a peri-
od of seven years, he shall receive an annual salary of not
less than three thousand five hundred and forty dollars
($3, 540); and in any county having two hundred teachers
or more in all the schools, the county superintendent of
such county shall in no case be paid an annual salary of
less than three thousand five hundred and forty dollars
($3, 540); and if the county superintendent of such county
has acted as county superintendent in the State of Mary-
land for a period of four years, he shall receive an annual
salary of not less than three thousand eight hundred and
forty dollars ($3, 840); and, if the county superintendent
of such county has acted as county superintendent in the
State of Maryland for a period of seven years, he shall
receive an annual salary of not less than four thousand
one hundred and forty dollars ($4, 140); and the State of
Maryland shall, as hereinafter provided, pay out of the
General State School Fund to the treasurer of the county
board of education, two-thirds of the annual salary of the
county superintendent of schools as provided for in this
section; provided that salaries paid to county superintend-
ents beyond two thousand nine hundred and forty dollars
($2, 940) shall be shared in by the State only when the
superintendent has met the full requirements in academic
and professional training, namely, graduation from a
standard college or university plus one graduate year's
work in education at a recognized university, including
public school administration, supervision, and methods of
teaching. County boards of education may, in their discre-
tion, pay to a county superintendent an annual salary in
excess of the schedule provided in this section, but the
State shall not share in the part payment of said excess.
The State Superintendent of Schools may remove any
county superintendent of schools appointed under the pro-
visions of this section or continuing in office under the pro-
visions of this section, for immorality, misconduct in office,
insubordination, incompetency, or wilful neglect of duty,
upon making known to him, in writing, the charges against
him, and upon giving to him an opportunity of being heard,
in person or by counsel, in his own defense, upon not less