cials and teachers provided in said Sections, by amounts
varying from ten to fifteen per cent, for the period from
September 1, 1935 to August; 31, 1937.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Section 90 of Article 77 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland, 1924 Edition, title "Public Education, "
sub-title "Teachers' Certificates, Salaries and Pensions, "
as amended by Chapter 224 of the Acts of 1933, be, and the
same is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments,
to read as follows:
90. No white teacher regularly employed in a public
school of the State of Maryland shall receive a salary of
less than six hundred dollars ($600) per school year. Pro-
vided, if such teacher holds a third grade certificate of
the first class and has taught in the public school of the
State of Maryland for a period of three years, such teacher
shall receive a salary of not less than six hundred and fifty
dollars ($650) per school year.
No white teacher regularly employed in a public school
of the State of Maryland, holding a second grade certi-
ficate, shall receive a salary of less than seven hundred
and fifty dollars ($750) per school year. Provided, if such
a teacher holds a second grade certificate of the first class
and has taught in the public schools of the State of Mary-
land for a period of three years, such teacher shall receive
a salary of not less than eight hundred dollars ($800) per
school year. Provided, if such teacher holds a second grade
certificate of the first class and has taught in the public
schools of the State of Maryland for a period of five years
such teacher shall receive a salary of not less than eight
hundred and fifty dollars ($850) per school year.
No white teacher regularly employed in a public school
of the State of Maryland, holding a first grade certificate,
shall receive a salary of less than nine hundred and fifty
dollars ($950) per school year. Provided, if such a teacher
holds a first grade certificate of the first class and has
taught in the public schools of the State of Maryland for
a period of three years, such teacher shall receive a salary
of not less than one thousand and fifty dollars ($1050) per
school year. Provided, further, if such teacher holds a first
grade certificate of the first class and has taught in the pub-
lic schools of the State of Maryland for a period of five
years, such teacher shall receive a salary of not less than
eleven hundred dollars ($1, 100) per school year. Provid-
ed, further, if such teacher holds a first grade certificate