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Session Laws, 1935
Volume 579, Page 1003   View pdf image (33K)
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of the first class and has taught in the public schools of
the State of Maryland for a period of eight years, such
teacher shall receive a salary of not less than eleven hun-
dred and fifty dollars ($1, 150) per school year; and pro-
vided, further, that such teacher holding a first grade cer-
tificate, and serving as principal of a one or two teacher
school, shall receive at least one hundred dollars ($100) a
year more than the amount required for such teacher by
the foregoing schedule.

No white elementary school principal holding an ele-
mentary school principal's certificate, and serving as prin-
cipal of a school having three or more teachers, including
the principal, shall receive a salary of less than eleven hun-
dred and fifty dollars ($1, 150) per school year; provided,
that if such principal holds an elementary school princi-
pal's certificate of. the first class, and has taught in the
public schools of the State of Maryland for a period of
three years, such principal shall receive a salary of not
less than twelve hundred and fifty dollars ($1250) per
school year; provided, further, that if such principal holds
an elementary school principal's certificate of the first
class, and has taught in the public schools of the State of
Maryland for a period of five years, such principal shall
receive a salary of not less than thirteen hundred dollars
($1, 300) per school year; and provided further, that if
such principal holds an elementary school principal's cer-
tificate of the first class, and has taught in the public
schools of the State of Maryland for a period of eight years,
such principal shall receive a salary of not less than one
thousand three hundred and fifty dollars ($1, 350) per
school year. And provided, further, if an elementary school
employs six full time teachers and has maintained an ave-
rage daily attendance of two hundred pupils during the
preceding year, the principal of such elementary school
shall receive at least two hundred dollars ($200) more per
school year than the foregoing schedule requires; if an
elementary school employs ten full-time teachers and has
maintained an average daily attendance of three hundred
and sixty pupils during the preceding year, the principal
of such elementary school shall receive at least four hun-
dred dollars ($400) more per school year than the fore-
going schedule requires. And provided, further, that all
increments with service are compulsory only for teachers
and principals whose certificates are rated as first class
by the county superintendent.

Elementary school teachers employed on provisional
certificates of the third grade may be paid one hundred


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Session Laws, 1935
Volume 579, Page 1003   View pdf image (33K)
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