which is hereby declared to be the beginning of the fiscal year
of the said town, and shall be in default on the first day of
October of each year, and shall thereafter bear a penalty of
one percentum per month until paid. The treasurer shall cal-
culate the amount of taxes due by each person and shall render
a bill to the address given on such list of assessment either by
depositing the same in the mails or otherwise, or if the address
of such person is unknown, to the best address ascertainable.
All taxes not paid by the first of March next succeeding their
levy shall be collected in the following manner: The treasurer
shall make up a list stating the name of the owner, a brief de-
scription of the real estate, the amount of the taxes and interest
and penalties due, and advertised the same for four consecu-
tive weeks in some weekly newspaper published in Prince
George's County, giving notice, therein that at the time and
place named therein he will sell said property to the highest
bidder for cash. At such time and place the said treasurer shall
attend and offer the said property for sale, and if there be no
bidders for any particular piece to buy the same in the name
of the town. Any person interested in said property may re-
deem the same within two years from the date of said sale, and
if at the expiration of said two years said property is not re-
deemed the commissioners shall give a deed to the purchaser
which deed shall convey a fee simple title and be prima facie
evidence of the validity of all acts of the town authorities lead-
ing up to 'said sale and deed. The taxes levied by the said
commisisoners are hereby declared to be a lien upon the respec-
tive tax payers real estate in said town from the date of their
levy until paid.
SEC. 15. And be it further enacted, That the County Com-
missioners of said Prince George's County shall and they are
hereby directed to return and pay over annually to the com-
missioners of said town of Eagle Harbor three-fourths (%) of
the money collected on account of the county road and bridge
tax from property within the said town of Eagle Harbor in the
same amount and manner as is now required by law to be paid
to incorporated towns in said county; the money so returned
to be expended by the said commissioners of Eagle Harbor lor
improving, maintaining and repairing the roads, streets, lanes
and alleys of said town.
SEC. 16. And be it further enacted, That for the purposes of
determining whether the citizens of said Eagle Harbor desire
to incorporate there shall be held an election on the second Satur-
day in August, 1929, under the supervision of. the committee
hereinafter named, the manner and procedure of which shall be
as follows: