SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That the commissioners
shall themselves serve without compensation, but that they shall
establish a reasonable compensation for the treasurer, and other
employes of the said town.
SEC. 11. And be it further enacted, That before any elective
or appointive office of the said town of Eagle Harbor shall enter
upon his or her duties he or she shall make oath before some
officer authorized to administer oaths in said Prince George's
County that he or she will diligently and faithfully discharge
the duties of his or her office and he or she shall file a certifi-
cate of such oath with the clerk or chairman of said commis-
sioners which shall become part of the record of said town.
SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That the treasurer shall
give bond to the commissioners in such penalty and with such
surety or sureties as said commissioners may require, condi-
tioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his or her
office. The premium on said bond shall be paid for by the town
SEC. 13. And be it further enacted, That the said commis-
sioners shall annually appoint one or more health officers for
the said town, who shall perform such duties as the commis-
sioners may require by such health ordinances as they may pass
for the protection and preservation of the health of the citizens
of the town.
SEC. 14. And be it further enacted, That the commissioners
may pass such ordinances, not inconsistent with law, as may be
for the best interests of the town, and necessary for the preser-
vation of health, safety and morals of the said town, and may
provide in such ordinances the penalties and punishments for
the violation thereof, and may provide for the enforcement of
said ordinances by a prosecution before any Justice of the Peace
of Prince George's County. The said commissioners shall have
supervision over all sidewalks, streets and alleys of the said
town, but shall not in any way interfere with the lawful public
use of any county roads running through the said town. For
the purpose of town taxation the commissioners shall adopt the
county assessment of all real estate, and shall make up a full
and complete list of the said property in the said town with
the names and addresses of the owners thereof on or before the
first day of July of each year. As soon thereafter as it is prac-
ticable, the said commissioners shall by ordinance levy a tax not
to exceed twenty-five cents (25c) per one hundred dollars ($100)
on such assessed real estate as the needs of the town may re-
quire. Said tax shall be levied as of July first of each year,