AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 3
of Chapter 82 of the Acts of the General Assembly of
Maryland of 1927, entitled "An Act to repeal Section 133
of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1920, "
and, in lieu thereof, to authorize and empower the Mayor
and Common Council of Mt. Rainier, Maryland, a munici-
pal corporation, with the approval of the qualified voters
thereof, to construct roadways, alleys, curbs, sidewalks and
gutters in said town, and for other purposes.
SECTION 1. Be U enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Section 3 of Chapter 82 of the Acts of the
General Assembly of Maryland of 1927, entitled "An Act to
repeal Section 133 of the Acts of the General Assembly of
Maryland of 1920, " and, in lieu thereof, to authorize and em-
power the Mayor and Common Council of Mt. Rainier, Mary-
land, a municipal corporation, with the approval of the quali-
fied voters thereof, to construct roadways, alleys, curbs, side-
walks and gutters in said town, and for other purposes, be,
and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments, so as to read as follows:
3. That to effectuate the construction of roadways, alleys;
curbs, sidewalks and gutters mentioned in the preceding sec-
tion, the Mayor and Common Council of Mount Rainier,
Maryland, are hereby authorized and empowered to borrow
from time to time, on the credit of the town, a sum or sums
of money which shall not, however, exceed in amount at any
one time the total sum of eight per centum of the assessed
valuation of all real and personal property in the town appear-
ing on the assessment books of Prince George's County, State of
Maryland; and to issue bonds or certificates of indebtedness
therefor, which shall be payable on or before ten years from the
date of issuance, with interest not to exceed the rate of six per
centum, payable semi-annually, unless of shorter duration, than
at the maturity of said obligation. The funds derived from the
sale of said bonds or certificates of indebtedness shall be de-
posited by the Mayor and Common Council of Mount Rainier,
Maryland, in some safe banking institution in the State of
Maryland, to be determined by them, and to be subject to the
check of the town clerk and treasurer only when countersigned
by the Mayor and two members of the Common Council. Out