purchase, repair or maintenance of fire-fighting equipment or
for the repair, maintenance or upkeep of buildings used by the
respective fire companies.
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That said payment shall be
made on the first day of September in each and every year by
the County Commissioners of Allegany County, and it shall
be distributed as follows: To the Chapel Hill Hose Company
No. 6 and the Cumberland Hose Company No. 1, of Cumber-
land, Maryland, the sum of $150. 00 each; to the Frostburg
Fire Department of Frostburg, Maryland, the sum of $675. 00;
to the Good Will Fire Company, of Lonaconing, Maryland, the
sum of $675. 00; to the Potomac Fire Company No. 2 of
Westernport, Maryland, the sum of $525. 00; The Midland Fire
Department, of Midland, Maryland, the sum of $375. 00; to
the Mount Savage Fire Department, of Mount Savage, Mary-
land, the sum of $375. 00; to the Volunteer Fire Company of
Barton, Barton, Maryland, the sum of $375. 00.
SEC. 3. Be it further enacted. That the Commissioners of
Allegany County be and the same are hereby authorized,
directed and empowered to levy the said sum of Thirty-three
Hundred ($3, 300. 00) Dollars annually for the above purpose
on the assessable property of said Allegany County. Before the
County Commissioners shall be required to pay the aforesaid
sums of money to the respective fire companies, the said com-
missioners shall have the power to require the officers of said
fire companies to appear before them and show to the satisfac-
tion of said commissioners that any sums of money paid by the
said Commissioners to the said fire companies under this Act
have been expended for the purposes set forth in this Act. In
the event any of the fire companies hereinbefore mentioned
cease to remain incorporated bodies or active fire fighting organ-
izations, or have not used the moneys appropriated to them for
the sole purposes set forth in this Act, then the County Com-
missioners are authorized and directed to pay to the other
volunteer fire companies mentioned in this Act, in equal pro-
portions the unexpended moneys in the hands of the said
County Commissioners.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the first day of June, 1929.
Approved April 11, 1929.