of said funds shall be paid only the proper expenses for the
negotiation, sale and liquidation of said bonds or certificates
of indebtedness and for the planning and construction of the
roadways, alleys, curbs, sidewalks and gutters as provided for
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 11, 1929.
AN ACT to authorize the Mayor and Common Council of River-
dale, in Prince George's County, Maryland, to improve the
streets, alleys, and construct sidewalks, gutters and roadbeds
in said town, when the necessary property owners petition
for same, and towards that end, to borrow money on the faith
and credit of said Mayor and Common Council of Riverdale,
for the purpose of paying for the improvement of said streets,
alleys and the construction of said side walks, gutters and
roadbed; to issue bonds or promissory notes therefor to pay
for said improvements and fix the terms and conditions for
borrowing money for such purpose; to make the principal and
interest of said bonds or promissory notes the direct obliga-
tion of said town; to advertise for bids and let contracts for
said improvements or to have work done under direct super-
vision of said Mayor and Common Council to provide for
pervision of said Mayor and Common Council to provide for
the repayment of moneys so borrowed or raised by bonds or
promissory notes; to provide for the levying and collection
of assessments against the abutting property owner on any
street to be improved; to create liens against abutting land
and to provide for the enforcement of said liens; to provide
for the submission of this Act to the qualified voters of said
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, in the regular session assembled that the Mayor and Com-
mon Council of Riverdale in Prince George's County, Maryland,
be and they are hereby authorized to construct in such cases
as they may determine to be necessary for the public benefit
and for the interest of the abutting property owners, sidewalks,
curbs, gutters and roadbed of permanent material in any of
the streets or alleys of the said town; the sidewalks including