An ACT to empower the Trustee herein after named to sell certain
Lands of the late William O'Bryon, deceased, situate, lying and
being, in Queen-Anne's County, and for other purposes there
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Edward Clayton be constituted and ap-
pointed, and he is hereby constituted and appointed, trustee to sell and convey, in fee-simple, all
the right, title and interest, that the late William O'Bryon, deceased, had in certain lands, situate, ly-
ing and being, in Queen-Anne's county, known by the name of Part of Pleasant Springs, Part of
Adventure, and Part of Claxon Hill, containing about forty-nine acres, be the same more or less.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the trustee aforesaid, before he proceeds to sell the land afore-
said, shall give bond to the state of Maryland, with competent security, to be approved of by the
orphans court, in the sum of one thousand dollars, for the faithful discharge of all his duties; which
bond shall be recorded by the register of said court, and may be put in suit by any person or persons
interested, in the same manner as administration bonds usually are.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the trustee aforesaid shall proceed, as soon as convenient, to sell
the land aforesaid, either for cash or credit, at public or private sale, as may to him appear most
conducive to the interest of those concerned, and that the interest arising therefrom shall be annu-
ally by him paid to the use of the children of the said William O'Bryon, until they may respectively
arrive at age, or be married, at which period he is hereby directed to advance to the child arriving
at age, or being married, their equal and just proportion of the whole principal sum for which the
same land was sold.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the sale to be made by the commissioner aforesaid shall be ap-
proved of by the justices of the orphans court in order to give it validity.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT for the relief of William Gibson, of Harford County.
WHEREAS William Gibson, and sundry other inhabitants of Harford county, by their petition
to this general assembly have set forth, that a certain road in Harford county, authorised to
be opened by an act of the general assembly, passed at November session, eighteen hundred and five,
was laid out through a well timbered piece of land, nearly one mile, which has been cut down, and
through one of his fields, in a very disadvantageous manner, and that he is materially injured thereby,
and no power having been given by the said act to value and assess the damages sustained, and pray-
ing relief in the premises; and the same appearing reasonable, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the commissioners in the said act
named, of a majority of them, be and they are hereby authorised and empowered to value the da-
mages sustained by the said William Gibson, by reason of said road running over his land, taking
into consideration all advantages and disadvantages arising therefrom, and make report to the next
levy court thereafter of such valuation, and the same shall be thereupon levied by said court, and
collected as other county charges, and paid to the said William Gibson, or order.
Passed 6th. of
Jan. 1610.
An ACT to alter and change a part of a Road in Anne-Arundel
WHEREAS it is represented to the general assembly, by the petition of John Dorsey, of Anne-
Arundel county, that the altering and changing of the road therein mentioned would tend
much to the convenience of the public; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said John Dorsey be and is
hereby authorised and permitted to alter and change so much of the present road that leads from
Richard Owing's mills to Elk-Ridge Landing, beginning for the said alteration on the south side of
Elk-Horn Branch, and near thereunto, and at the place where the new road leaves the old road,
and following the tract of the new road, as now laid out and used, until it intersects the old road;
provided nevertheless, that the said John Dorsey shall, at his own proper expense, open and widen
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.