the said road to the width of the old road, and make good all and every part of the said new road,
and when so opened and amended shall be a public road, and kept in repair in such manner as other
public roads of said county are.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT authorising the Levy Court of Washington County to open
a Road in said County.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the levy court of Washington county,
if they, or a majority of them, should think that a road leading from the south termination of
Jonathan-street, in Hagar's-town, to intersect the road leading from Hagar's-town to William's Port,
is necessary or beneficial to the inhabitants of said county, shall have power and authority to appoint
three commissioners to view said ground, and lay off a road, not exceeding thirty feet wide, on the
straightest direction the ground will admit of, and have the same surveyed, and plain plots made of
the same, and return said plots to the levy court of the county aforesaid, under their hands; and.
said commissioners shall have full power to bargain and contract with any person or persons over
whose lands the said road may pass, or adjudge the damage any person or persons may sustain by the
said road, and make a return of all contracts by them made for land, or damages adjudged by them,
by reason of opening said road, to the levy court, under their hands, and the said court may order
the same to be recorded, or reject the same, or any part thereof; and the levy court shall levy on
the assessable property of Washington county the expense of the commissioners for viewing and
surveying said road; and if the levy court shall confirm the said road agreeable to the return of the
commissioners, and cause the same to be recorded, the levy court shall then appoint a supervisor or
supervisors to clear and open said road, not exceeding thirty feet in width, and may levy the expense
of said road upon the assessable property of Washington county, or should the levy court be of opi-
nion that said road is not of public utility, but is only calculated to serve private individuals, in that
case the court shall grant said road, on the application of petitioners, paying all damage and expense
of said road; and if the levy court confirms said road, and have it recorded, it shall then be under
the same rules and regulations as other roads are in Washington county.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT for the benefit of Lucas Shock, of Washington County.
WHEREAS Lucas Shock, of Washington county, emigrated to the state of Maryland, and
since his emigration and settlement has. acquired real property therein, and his title to such
property, from his not being naturalized agreeable to the laws of the United States, may be called in
question, to his great detriment and injury; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the title to the real property of the
said Lucas Shock, fully and fairly acquired heretofore by purchase or deed, be and the same is hereby
amply and fully vested in the said Lucas Shock, and his heirs, in fee-simple, to all intents and pur-
poses, in the same manner that it would have been if the said Lucas Shock had been duly naturalized,
agreeable to the said laws, at the time of the said purchase and when he received his said deed;
provided always, that nothing in this act contained shall in any manner defeat or affect any right,
title or claim, to the said property, or any part thereof, acquired or prosecuted by any person or
persons whatever before the passage of this act; and provided also, that the said Lucas Shock shall,
within twelve months after he is capable of becoming a citizen, naturalize himself agreeable to the
laws of the United States; but if the said Lucas Shock should die before he becomes naturalized,
nothing in this proviso shall prevent him from transmitting or transferring his said property, by de-
scent or devise, to any person or persons, being a citizen or citizens of the United States, and re-
siding therein, capable 'in law to hold the same.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT to lay out and open a Road from the lower end of William
Barne's Lane, to intersect the public Road leading from John
Orme's Plantation to Montgomery Court-House at or near the
Union Mills.
WHEREAS sundry inhabitants of Montgomery county have, by petition to this general assem-
bly, prayed that a road may be opened from the lower end of William Barnes's lane, to
intersect the public road leading from John Orme's plantation to Montgomery court-house at or near
the Union Mills; and the same appearing reasonable, therefore,