purposes of the Commission, and to authorize the said
Commission to borrow money for certain purposes; to
provide the method of procedure, hearings and appeals
with respect to locations of highways platted within the
District; to give the said Commission the right of
entry for certain purposes on private property within the
District hereby created and within Montgomery and Prince
George's Counties outside the said District; to provide for
the preparation, approval and recording of plats of sub-divi-
sions and the control of building lines, street lines, grade lines
and parking and to vest in the Commission hereby created
certain powers and duties with respect to the same; to pro-
hibit the location or construction within the District of
streets or highways without the approval of the Commission;
to prohibit the acceptance, laying out or improvement of
streets within the District without the approval of the Com-
mission; to direct the said Commission to report to the
Maryland Legislature of 1929 with respect to certain
matters; to provide penalties for the violation of this
Act; for the protection of the health, morals, safety
or welfare of the District to designate the County Com-
missioners of Montgomery and Prince George's Counties
as the legislative bodies and District Councils of the
said District, and to empower the said District Councils for
the said purposes to limit, regulate and restrict the location of
buildings and other structures and of premises to be used
for trade, industry, residence or other specified uses and for
said purposes to divide the District into zones and to impose
in each of said zones regulations designating the kinds of
classes of trades, industries, residence or other purposes for
which buildings or other structures or premises may be per-
mitted to be erected, altered or used; to authorize the said
District Councils to regulate the bulk and location of build-
ings and other structures and the percentage of lot occupancy,
set-back building lines and area of yards, courts and other
open spaces; to provide for a, method of appeals hereunder
and the issuance of building permits within the said Dis-
trict; to repeal Chapter 103 of the Acts of the General As-
sembly of Maryland of 1924; to repeal Chapters 118 and
443 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of
1922; to provide for a conflict with other existing laws or
ordinances and to declare this Act an emergency law and
make it effective from the date of its passage.