SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the area in Montgomery and Prince George's.
Counties within the boundaries hereinafter in this section.
designated, be and the same is hereby incorporated for the pur-
poses hereinafter set forth, and shall be known as the Maryland-
Washington Metropolitan District, hereinafter referred to as
the District.
The boundaries of such area shall be as follows: Beginning
at the point of intersection of the western boundary of the
District of Columbia and the Maryland-Virginia boundary line
on the south side of the Potomac River and running thence
along and with the said Maryland-Virginia boundary line to a
point on the said Maryland-Virginia boundary line at the end
of a due north and south line passed southerly from the point
of intersection of the center of the Falls Road and the center of
the road running westerly and northwesterly from Scotland in.
Montgomery County; thence due north with the said north and:
south line to the said point; thence in a straight line in a north-
easterly direction, passing through the point of intersection of
the center of Seven Locks Road and the center of the road run-
ning westerly past the Montrose School, to a point on a line
300 feet northerly of and parallel with the center of the road
leading easterly to Montrose School; thence along said line to
the point of its intersection with a line 300 feet westerly of and
parallel to the center of the Rockville-Georgetowri Road; thence
in a northwesterly direction along said line to the point of its
intersection with the extension of the center line of the road
running from the Halpine Station westerly to the Rockville-
Georgetown Road; thence along a straight line in a northerly
direction across the point of intersection of the center of the
Rockville-Norbeck Road with the center of the road leading
northward to Avery to a point on a line 300 feet northerly of
and parallel to the center of the said Rockville-Norbeck Road;
thence in an easterly and northeasterly direction along said line
to the point of its intersection with a line 300 feet westerly of
and parallel to the center of the Brookeville Pike; thence along
said line, to the point of its intersection with a; line 300 feet
northerly of and parallel to the center of the Norbeck-Layhill
Road; thence along said line to the point of its intersection
with a line 300 feet northerly of and parallel to the center of
the Road running from Layhill in an easterly direction to the
Colesville Ashton Pike; thence along said line to the point of
its intersection with a line 300 feet easterly of and parallel to-