WHEREAS, A Hundred years have now elapsed since the
General Assembly of Maryland in behalf of the people of this
State granted a charter to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Company, a body corporate, which, by virtue of that charter,
became the pioneer in the rapid transportation of passengers
and freight in the United States of America; and,
WHEREAS, By reason of the experience gained by the found-
ers of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company and their
successors, it has been made possible for the people of our State
and Country to enjoy sure, rapid and safe transportation for
themselves and for their possessions, with the direct result that
our nation has become the most prosperous in history. Now,
therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company is to be congratulated
upon the completion of one hundred years of devotion to the
ideals expressed by the founders of this government, whereby
the people of the United States have been aided in forming
a more perfect union, in insuring domestic tranquility, in pro-
viding for the common defense, in promoting the general wel-
fare, and in securing the blessings of liberty. And be it further
Resolved, That this Resolution be set forth in full upon the
Journals of the House and of the Senate and that a copy,
suitably engrossed, be presented in behalf of the people of the
State of Maryland to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com-
Approved April 5, 1927.
NO. 22.
A Joint Resolution of the General Assembly of Maryland au-
thorizing and empowering the State Roads Commission, act-
ing for and on behalf of the State of Maryland, to join with
the proper authorities of the State of Virginia for the pur-
chase of two bridges across the Potomac River, one at Point
of Rocks and one at Brunswick, on certain conditions.
WHEREAS, The Governor of Maryland, under authority of
Joint Resolution No. 17, adopted by the General Assembly of