in required shall be effected and had by order of publication,
published in some newspaper printed in the town of Cambridge,
once in each of four successive weeks, giving notice to such
non-resident owner, or unknown owner, of the making of the
said improvement, and giving a reasonable time for the owner
to appear and show cause why the same should not be made,
and after such notice and the expiration of the time therein
given for cause to the contrary to be shown, the Commissioners
shall then proceed to make the said improvements, as though
the notice herein before mentioned to be served upon the
owner had been so served, any other notice, which is required
to be given to a resident owner, in the course of any such pro-
ceedings as herein provided for, in the case of a non-resident,
or unknown owner, shall be inserted at least once in a news-
paper, published in the city of Cambridge, after which such
publication shall have the same effect as personal service.
And should any land or property, to be affected by any
such improvement, be in custodia legis, in the hands of any
Trustee, administrator or executor, then the said improvement
shall be made only after a petition to the Court having the juris-
diction over the said land, and an order from the Court author-
izing the said improvement to be made, and should the Court
pass such order, then the cost of the improvement shall be
paid by the land and property ahead and prior to all other
charges and claims against the same or interests therein, or it
is to be regarded and treated as state, county or city taxes.
At any time during the proceedings by the Commissioners
under the power hereby granted, the Commissioners and the
owner of any land affected by such proceedings, may com-
pose and adjust the matter of the said improvement, at any
stage of the same, as to the cost thereof, after the same is
made but before the cost is paid.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from and after June 1st, 1924.
Approved April 9, 1924.
AN ACT to add to Article 1 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
the State of Maryland, title, "Allegany County, " under the
sub-title, "Landlord and Tenant, " one new section to be
designated as Section 184-A, providing for and prescribing
the right to distrain for rent in Allegany County.
(Vetoed. )