Appeals from Justices of the Peace, and the determination of
the appeal by the Court shall be final, and should there be
no appeal, or should there be an appeal and the same dis-
missed, or the said assessment modified by the said Court, then
the said amount so assessed, or remaining assessed, by order
of the said Court, shall be paid to the Clerk to the Commis-
sioners, by the said owner or owners, and if the same be not
paid either within the four months from the said order of the
Commissioners, or upon the judgment of the said Court, in
the event of appeal, then the Clerk shall proceed to sell the
said property upon which the said assessment has been made, as
aforesaid, the sale to be in the same manner as provided for
the sale of property to compel the payment of other city taxes,
and should it be practicable to do so, the Clerk may sell part
of the property upon which the assessment is made, provided
such part shall sell for enough to pay the same, but if not
practicable to sell the property in part, then sell the whole, and
any surplus after the payment of the said assessment and all
costs and expenses that may be allowed by the Court upon
the report of the sale, shall be paid to the owner or owners
of the property, or to "whoever may be entitled to the same, an
audit of the case to be made by the auditor of the Court
as is done in sales by Trustees, in Equity, under a decree.
All of the provisions hereof shall be applicable to the re-
pair or repaving of any such sidewalk or gutter, that may
be, or may have have been paved, but the condition of which
shall have become, in the discretion of the Board such that it
should be paved or repaved or repaired.
Should it be that the owner or owners of any such property
live or reside outside of Dorchester County, but in the State
of Maryland, their residence being known, then any notice
herein required to be given may be issued to the sheriff of the
county or the sheriff of Baltimore City, as the case may be.
to be served upon such owner or owners, the service to be made
and returned as is done in subpoenas or writs of summons
issued by the Circuit Courts of Maryland, the said return to
have the same force and effect as if served by any official of
of the city of Cambridge as herein before recited.
And should it be that the owner, or all of the owners, of
any such property or land, adjoining which and binding upon
which, the said improvements are to be made, reside without
the State of Maryland, or should the place of residence of such
owner be unknown, in either event, then the first notice here-