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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 278   View pdf image (33K)
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General Assembly of Maryland, 1920, be, and the same is here-
by repealed and re-enacted, in different form, so as to read as

SEC. 58B. That the Commissioners of Cambridge shall, ami
do have the power to provide, by ordinance, for grading, gravel-
ing, surfacing, shelling, macadamizing, paving and curbing, or
for regrading, regraveling, reshelling, remacadamizing, repav-
ing and recurbing, using any material or substance for such
purpose, as in their discretion, shall be fit and proper, and to
change, locate or relocate, from time to time, as need requires,
in doing any of the aforesaid street improving, the grade line
or level of any street, lane, alley or any public thoroughfare,
within the corporate limits of the City of Cambridge, which
street, lane, alley or any public thoroughfare, or part thereof,
is now held, condemned, ceded, dedicated or opened as a public-
highway or thoroughfare, or which may hereafter be held, con-
demned, ceded, dedicated, located, opened, widened, straight-
ened or altered, in any form, according to the laws and ordi-
nances, regulating the same, and

To have the power to assess the cost of any such work or im-
provement, such assessment not to exceed one-half of the cost
thereof, upon any property binding upon such street, lane,
alley, or highway or public thoroughfare or part thereof, the
assessment upon the property to be by front foot apportion-
ment, for such improvement and the one-half of the cost there-
of to assess upon such property fronting upon or binding upon
the said public thoroughfare improved or to be improved. And

To have the power to collect any such sum or sums of money
assessed as aforesaid, in the same manner and by the same pro-
cess, now provided by law, for the collection of city taxes upon
real and personal property by the Commissioners of Cambridge,
who shall prescribe the time and place for the payment of any
such assessment for any such improvement.

No such improvement to be made unless the owners or a ma-
jority or the owners of more than one-half of the real estate,
in front feet, fronting or binding, on each side of such public
highway or thoroughfare sought to be improved, as aforesaid,
shall sign and file with the Commissioners, a petition for such
work to be done, and therein agreeing that the Commissioners
shall assess their said property for one-half of the cost of the
same, such petition to show on its face that it is from the
owners of more than half of the land and property, in front
feet, binding upon each side of said thoroughfare in any block


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 278   View pdf image (33K)
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