or square, or the portion of such thoroughfare dividing two
blocks or running between two blocks, that is, if any thorough-
fare dividing two blocks or squares, is sought to be improved,
then more than half of the property owners, or the owners
of more than half of the land and property, in front feet, in
the said two blocks shall sign the said petition, or if a whole
street is sought to be improved, or the balance of a whole street
from any stated place is to be improved, then the petition must
be by the owners of more than half of the land and property,
in front feet, binding on said whole street or part of the street
or thoroughfare to be improved, the said petition shall state
the street or thoroughfare or portion of the street or thorough-
fare, sought to be improved, the kind of improvement, and
plainly give the names of the petitioners and the front feet of
land owned by each of them binding upon the said thorough-
fare, or part, thereof, sought to be improved.
And should the Commissioners, after the filing of any such
petition, and the consideration of the same, deem that it would
be publicly advantageous to such a degree, in their discretion,
that the said improvement should be made, the said Commis-
sioners by resolution shall so state, and then they shall publish
the said petition, including the signatures of the petitioners
with the number of front feet owned by each, m some news-
paper published in Cambridge, at least once in each of two suc-
cessive weeks, and in said publication shall give notice to all
persons having interest in the said proposed improvement, to
file objections, if any they have, by a time therein named, with
the Commissioners, showing why. or showing cause why such
improvement should not be made as asked in the said petition,
and after the time named for the filing of objections, if any
filed, they shall be considered after hearings, or in such manner
as the Commissioners think best, and if no objections are filed,
and if filed, shall appear to the Commissioners to be insufficient.
then the Commissioners shall further proceed toward making
the said improvement, by the enacting of ordinances or of an
ordinance for such purpose in the following manner:
1. That the Commissioners shall publish in some newspaper
printed in Cambridge, at least once in each of two successive
weeks, a notice of the aforesaid petition and the proceedings
thereupon, as aforesaid, and the extent of the work to be done,
the kind of improvement, with an approximate cost of the same
and stating approximately how much of the cost will be paid
by the city and how much thereof by the owners of the land