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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1534   View pdf image (33K)
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known as the Bacon Ridge Branch, which branch drains a
watershed area of about 4500 acres; and

WHEREAS, The said tract of land known as the Schoen
Farm enjoys as part of its rights the mill and water rights on
the said Bacon" Ridge Branch; and

WHEREAS, The location of said land adjoining the said lands
of the Crownsville State Hospital is such as will enable the
Crownsville State Hospital to eventually establish thereon a
power plant to be operated by the water of said stream for
the purpose of generating all necessary power, electric light
and other purposes essential to the running of said hospital;

WHEREAS, Said farm also contains a certain amount of low
land especially adaptable to the growing of willows, which are
used by the inmates of said hospital in the manufacture of
baskets and willowware; and

WHEREAS, It might be the loss of a great opportunity if said
hospital should fail to acquire the rights in said farm, which
rights eventually can be utilized in the economic management
of said hospital and a saving of a large expense to the State
of Maryland; now, therefore,

Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of
Maryland, That the Board of the Crownsville State Hospital
be and it is hereby authorized, after a careful investigation
and the determination of said Board that said land is adapt-
able to the uses of said hospital and can be utilized to economic
advantage in the management and running of the said Crowns-
ville State Hospital, to enter into a contract with the owner
or owners of said land known as the Schoen Farm, to pur-
chase the same for such price not exceeding fifteen thousand
dollars ($15, 000), and subject to such conditions as the Board
of said hospital shall determine to be right and proper; and

Be it further resolved, That the cost price of said land plus
the interest on the same from the time of entering into said
contract shall be included in and constitute a part of the bud-
get of the Crownsville State Hospital to be submitted at the
next Session of the Legislature of this State; provided, how-
ever, that interest shall only date from the time when the actual

possession of said property is delivered under the terms of said
contract to the said Crownsville State Hospital.


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1534   View pdf image (33K)
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