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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1533   View pdf image (33K)
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WHEREAS, The security and defense of the Nation is a
matter in which all are vitally concerned, irrespective of party;

WHEREAS, The aforesaid Budget Estimate is inadequate to
insure the security and Defense of the Nation, now therefore,
be it

Resolved, That the General Assembly of Maryland urges
Congress to increase the Budget Estimates in an amount, or
amounts, sufficient to provide for the necessary clerical assist-
ants at the Militia Bureau and to supply not less than thirty-
two horses for each mounted unit of the National Guard and to
provide for the field training of not less than one-third of the
total number of Reserve Officers each year, and urges our
Senators and Representatives in Congress to assist in the
enactment of the necessary legislation; and be it further

Resolved, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates and the
Secretary of the Senate be, and they are hereby directed to
forward copies of this Resolution to each of Maryland's Sena-
tors and Representatives in Congress.

Approved April 9, 1924.

NO. 29.

Authorizing the Board of the Crownsville State Hospital, with
the approval of the Board of Public Works, to contract for
the purchase of land immediately adjoining the present
lands of the Crownsville State Hospital, which lands are
now known as the Schoen Farm, containing 168 acres, more
or less.

WHEREAS, The State of Maryland has established a hospital
for the insane negroes of the State and has purchased exten-
sive tracts of land at or near the station of Crownsville, on
the W., B. & A. Railroad, in Anne Arundel County, and has
erected thereon large and extensive buildings for the housing
and care of said insane patients, which hospital is known as
the Crownsville State Hospital; and

WHEREAS, There adjoins the present hospital lands a tract
of land known as the Schoen Farm, containing 168 acres more
or less, through which piece of land flows a stream of water


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1533   View pdf image (33K)
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