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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1522   View pdf image (33K)
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of Representatives has been favorably reported by said Com-
mittee and will shortly come up before the House and Senate;

WHEREAS, The frequently quoted opinion of the Hon. Secre-
tary Herbert C. Hoover and of Major General Henry T. Allen
and others, has been supported by all the evidence of Church
and Charity workers, specialists and students as to the condi-
tions in Germany, proving that there exists an awful tragedy
of starvation in that country and the absolute necessity for
immediate relief; therefore, be it

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Congress of the United States be and it is hereby requested to
enact into law as speedily as possible House Joint Resolution
No. 180, known as the Hamilton Fish Bill, for the relief of the
distressed and starving women and children of Germany; and
be it further

Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the House be and he is
hereby requested to send a copy of this Resolution to the
Speaker of the House of Representatives and to the President
of the United States Senate.

Approved April 9, 1924.

NO. 18.

Requesting and authorizing the Public Service Commission of
Maryland to issue and enforce an order directing the United
Railways and Electric Company of Baltimore City to operate
a motor bug line on Edmondson Avenue, Hilton Street,
Frederick Avenue and Caton Avenue.

WHEREAS, There is great need for north and south trans-
portation facilities in West Baltimore; therefore, be it

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Public Service Commission be and it is hereby requested and
authorized to issue and enforce an order directing the United
Railways and Electric Company of Baltimore City to operate
a motor bus line beginning at Poplar Grove Street and Ed-
mondson Avenue, west on Edmondson Avenue to Hilton Street,
south on Hilton Street to Frederick Avenue, east on Frederick
Avenue to Caton Avenue and south on Caton Avenue to
Wilkins Avenue.

Approved April 9, 1924.


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1522   View pdf image (33K)
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