fore the said County Commissioners shall sell any part or the
whole of said property at private sale, that the said Commis-
sioners shall offer the said property for sale at public auction,
after having given notice for at least three successive weeks in
some newspaper printed in said Wicomico County, of the time,
place, manner and terms of sale, and that the said property
shall not be sold at private sale for a less sum than the highest
bid offered therefor at public auction.
2. The proceeds arising from the sale of any part or por-
tion, or the whole of said property shall be paid to the County
Commissioners of Wicomico County, and by them be applied
to such indebtedness of Wicomico County as they may deem
best or to the general expenses of said county.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1922.
Approved April 13th, 1922.
AN ACT to ratify and confirm a deed of conveyance from
George H. Myers and Frederick W. C. Webb, assignees, to
the County Commissioners of Wicomico County, Maryland,
and to authorize the County Commissioners aforesaid to sell
all or a certain part or parts thereof.
WHEREAS, The County Commissioners of Wicomico County,
Maryland, did on the twenty-sixth day of June, nineteen hun-
dred and twenty, purchase at public auction from George H.
Myers and Frederick W. C. Webb a certain parcel of land in
the City of Salisbury and in Salisbury Election District on the
southerly side of and binding on West Main Street, and on the
northerly side of and binding on the Wicomico River, adjoin-
ing the "Pivot Bridge, " in the City of Salisbury, Salisbury
Election District, said Wicomico County, Maryland, having a
frontage of seventy-one (71) feet, more or less, on said West
Main Street, and a frontage of eighty (80) feet, more or less,
on the Wicomico River, and a depth of sixty-four (64) feet,
more or less, on its westerly side, and being Lot No. 1 on a
plat filed among the Land Records for said Wicomico County,
Maryland, in Liber E. A. T., No. 97, Folio 172, which sale
was duly reported to and finally ratified by the Circuit Court of