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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 24   View pdf image (33K)
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said sale, and thereafter, all proceedings in the matter of the
sales made as required by this section, shall be in conformity
with those provided for the annual tax sales made on the first
Monday of March in each year, except that the report of sale
shall be made on or before the fifteenth day of October next
following said sale, exceptions to such sales shall be filed on or
before the first Monday of December next following said sale,
and the period of redemption shall be one year from the said
first day of sale, to wit, the said first Tuesday of September,
at the end of which period of redemption the respective pieces
of land sold at the sale in this section provided for, which then
remain unredeemed shall be forfeited to, and be vested in, the
respective purchaser or purchasers thereof, by an absolute and
paramount title, and the Treasurer of Prince George's County
shall execute and deliver a good and valid deed, in fee simple,
clear of all liens, for said respective pieces of land to the re-
spective purchaser or purchasers thereof, except to the said
County Commissioners of Prince George's County, to whom
no such deed need be made; and the County Commissioners of
Prince George's County may thereafter sell the said lands
forfeited and vested in them as aforesaid, or any of them,
at public or private sale, for such price as they may think
right; and the said Treasurer, for the time being, upon the
written order of the said County Commissioners and the re-

ceipt of the purchase money for the same, shall execute and
deliver to the purchaser or purchasers of the said property or
properties a good and valid deed in fee simple, and clear of
all liens, for the same. All provisions of this article relating
to tax sales, and the powers and duties of the County Commis-
sioners of Prince George's County, and of the Treasurer of
Prince George's County, in relation thereto, so far as they, or
any of them, may be applicable to the tax sales required by this
section, are hereby made applicable thereto; and all deeds of
the Treasurer of Prince George's County, herein provided for,
shall be held and taken to be prima facie evidence of a good
title, in fee simple, in the grantee or grantees therein, to the
land or lands bought by him or them at the sale or sales herein
provided for and therein mentioned and conveyed.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That all Acts and parts
of Acts inconsistent with this Act be and the same are hereby
repealed to the extent of such inconsistency.

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from and after the first day of June, A. D. 1922.

Approved April 13th, 1922.


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Session Laws, 1922
Volume 563, Page 24   View pdf image (33K)
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