mately, it contains, and other matters of information by which
it may be fairly identified and known, be not given in said de-
scription, then the same, so far as wanting, shall be added there-
to. The said County Commissioners shall endeavor to ascer-
tain the name or names of the present owner or owners of the
land in each of the said descriptions mentioned, but if the same
is not, or does not become known to them, the said present owner
or owners shall be stated as unknown; said provision as to own-
er's name being hereby declared to be directory and not man-
datory, and all the proceedings under this section being hereby
declared to bo in rem. There shall also be added to said list in
connection with each parcel of real estate described thereon, the
amounts of taxes, State and Comity, declared or levied, or at-
tempted to be declared or levied, thereon as aforesaid, with the
interest and penalties on said taxes, and the costs of sale there-
of, accrued and to accrue, to the day of sale herein provided
for. Said list, when completed as aforesaid, shall be deliv-
ered to the said County Treasurer of Prince George's County,
for the time being, who shall cause the same to be published
weekly for four consecutive weeks, before the first Tuesday of
September, A. D. 1922, in not more than Three newspapers
published in Prince George's Comity to be selected by the said
County Treasurer, one of which newspapers shall be published
in the town of Upper Marlboro, one thereof in the town of
Hyattsville, and one thereof in the town of Laurel; provided,
that such a newspaper exist and shall have been established in
its respective town at least two years preceding the date of the
first publication of said advertisement; and the costs of such
advertisement in and for each newspaper shall not exceed the
sum of fifty cents for a tax sale, which sum of money shall bo
charged against the property offered for sale as items of cost.
To said list shall be appended a notice that if such tax or taxes,
interest, penalties and costs of sale be not paid before the first
Tuesday of September next following, the said Comity Treas-
urer will, on said day, at ten o'clock A. M., at the Court House
door, in the town of Upper Marlboro, in said county, proceed
to offer each of the said pieces of real estate for sale at public
auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy said taxes,
interest, penalties and costs of sale, for which the same is
liable; beginning with the first parcel on said list and continu-
ing on in the order of said list from day to day, from ten
o'clock A. M. until three o'clock P. M., Sundays and legal holi-
days excepted, until all shall have been offered for sale, and on
said day of sale the said Comity Treasurer shall proceed to
make said sale in conformity with said published notice. At