forth and contained in Item 6 of the last will and testa-
ment of Frances Marie Hunger, late of the City of Baltimore,
State of Maryland, deceased, which said will bears date of
March 4th, A. D. 1914, was duly probated in the Orphans'
Court of Baltimore City on Xovember 21st, A. D. 1919, and
is now recorded among the records in the office of the Register
of Wills of Baltimore City in "Wills" Liber H. W. J. Xo.
133, folio 243, etc.; and that the said gift and bequest vest
absolutely in the said body corporate, its successors and assigns,
to its own and their own use and behoof forever, with full
power to have, hold, take, receive, use, transfer, invest and in
any other way whatsoever dispose of or use the same.
(104) To the gift, devise and bequest of the sum of one
hundred dollars ($100) to Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
of Powellnarqn, now called Epiphany Lutheran Church of Pow-
ellnaron, a body corporate, duly incorporated under the laws
of the State of Maryland, located at Raspeburg, formerly in
Baltimore County, but now in the City of Baltimore, in the
State aforesaid, to be held by the said church until such time
when it shall remodel and rebuild its present house of worship
or shall erect and build a new edifice in the place thereof, and
upon the happening of that event to be used and applied, to-
gether with all increments and additions that may have ac-
crued thereto by way of interest or dividends upon any invest-
ment thereof or in any other manner, towards the payment
of the cost thereof, as given, devised and bequeathed by and
as set forth and contained in the first item under the "Tenth"
section of the last will and testament of Elizabeth Heatterich,
sometimes known as Elizabeth Hetterich, and also as Eliza-
beth Haetterich, late of the City of Baltimore aforesaid, de-
ceased, which said will bears date of May 21st, A. D. 1918,
was duly probated in the Orphans' Court of Baltimore City
on December 10th, A. D. 1919, and is now recorded among
the records in the office of the Register of \\Tills of Baltimore
City in "Wills" Liber H. W. J. No. 133, folio 290, etc.; and
that the said gift, devise and bequest vest absolutely in the said
body corporate, its successors and assigns, to its own and their
own use and behoof forever, \vith full power to have, hold,
take, receive, use, transfer, invest and in any other way what-
soever dispose of or use the same.
(105) To the following gifts, devises and bequests as set
forth and contained in the last will and testament of Martin
Meyerdirck, late of the City of Baltimore, in the State of