said Henry \Veill and Faimie Weill, his wife, Henry W.
Sprague and Mary X. Sprague, his wife, and Charles M.
Hughson and Bessie B. Hugiison, his wife,, or any of them,
to and for the use and benefit of the said All Saints' Evan-
gelical Lutheran Church of Baltimore City, a body corporate,
and that, thereupon, the fee-simple title to the said lot or par-
cel of ground and premises, together with the improvements
thereon, vest absolutely in the said body corporate, its suc-
cessors and assigns, to its own and their own use and behoof
forever, with full power to have, hold, sell, lease, mortgage,
grant, convey and in any other manner whatsoever dispose of
the same and of any part and parts thereof.
(102) To the gift, devise and bequest of ''one income bond
of the Linked Railways and Electric Company of Baltimore
(number 9431) of the face value of one thousand dollars (the
same being one of the $1.000 Income Mortgage Four Per
Cent. Gold Bonds of the said company) to the Inner Mission
Society of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Baltimore City
and Vicinity, Incorporated, a body corporate, duly incorpo-
rated under the laws of the State of Maryland (designated
as and named "The Inner Mission Society of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church of Baltimore City in the will hereinafter
mentioned), as given and bequeathed by and as set forth and
contained in Item 7 of the last will and testament of Elizabeth
Keiner, late of the City of Baltimore, in the State of Mary-
land, deceased; said will bearing- the date of June 18th, A. D.
1919, was duly probated in the Orphans' Court of Baltimore
City on August 22nd, A. D. 1919, and is now recorded among
the records in the office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore
City in "Wills" Liber H. W. J. No. 132, folio 459, etc,, and
that the said gift and bequest vest absolutely in the said body
corporate, its successors and assigns, to its own .and their own
use and behoof forever, with full power to have, hold, take,
receive, sell, use, pledge, transfer and in any other way what-
soever dispose of or use the same.
(103) To the gift, devise and bequest of the sum of one
hundred and fifty dollars ($150) to Grace English Evanarel-
ieal Lutheran Church of Baltimore City, a body corporate,
duly incorporated under the laws of the State of Maryland,
(designated as and named "Grace English Lutheran Church,
located at the corner of Broadway and Gough Street, in the
City of Baltimore, State of Maryland," in the will herein-
after mentioned), as given and bequeathed by and as set