empowered to execute and deliver to Clinton L. Riggs, of Ca-
tonsville, a deed conveying to the said Clinton L. Riggs a tract
of land now forming a part of the Patapsco State Forest Re-
serve and being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at an iron pipe about 50 feet northeast of a concrete
dam on Bull Branch being the end of the 48th line of the sur-
vey described in a deed from the Avalon Land Company to
the State of Maryland as recorded in Liber W. P. C. 431, folio
401 of the Land Records of Baltimore County, and running
thence with the 49th line of said survey, and bounding on the
lands of said Clinton L. Riggs, 30° 30', W. 190. 6 feet to an iron
pipe heretofore planted, thence leaving said boundary line N.
63° 29', E. 139. 3 feet to an iron pipe now planted, thence N.
15° 41', E. 64. 8 feet to the beginning, containing 8/100 acres
more or less, being a portion of the same tract of land which
was conveyed to the State of Maryland by the Avalon Land
Company by deed aforementioned.
Provided, however, that the said Clinton L. Riggs shall, at
the time of the delivery to him of said deed by the said Board of
Public Works, deliver in exchange therefor to the said Board of
Public Works, a deed conveying to the State of Maryland a
good and marketable title, free of all liens and encumbrances,
in and to a tract of land now owned by the said Riggs and de-
scribed as follows:
Beginning at an iron pipe, now planted on the east side of
the Branch, being the end of the 20th line described in a deed
from Evelyn M. Cromwell to Clinton L. Riggs, dated March
1, 1917, recorded in the Land Records of Baltimore County,
in Liber W. P. C. 475, folio 521, and running thence with said
survey allowing for magnetic variation N 34° 58' 'E. 92. 4 feet
to an iron pipe at the end of the 21st line of said tract, thence
N. 61° 9', W. 105. 4 feet to an iron pipe now planted, thence
leaving the line of the aforementioned survey S. 44° 10', E. 36. 1
feet to an iron pipe now planted, thence S 8° 11' E 102. 3 feet
to the point of beginning, containing 9-100 acres, more or less,
and being a portion of the same land which was conveyed to
the said Riggs by Evelyn M. Cromwell by the deed aforemen-
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
on June 1st, 1922.
Approved March 1st, 1922.