AN ACT to propose an amendment to Section 2 of Article III,
of the Constitution of the State of Maryland, title "Legis-
lative Department", increasing the number of legislative
districts of Baltimore City, and providing for the sub-
mission of said amendment to the qualified voters of the
State of Maryland for adoption or rejection:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, three-fifths of all the members of each of the two Houses
concurring, that the following Section be and the same is
hereby proposed as an amendment to Section 2 of Article III
of the Constitution of the State of Maryland, title "Legislative
Department", the same if adopted by the legally qualified
voters of the State, as herein provided, to become Section 2
of Article III of the Constitution of the State of Maryland.
2. The City of Baltimore shall be divided into six
legislative districts as near as may be of equal population and
of contiguous territory, and each of said legislative districts
of Baltimore City, as they may from time to time be laid out,
in accordance with the provisions hereof, and each county in
the State, shall be entitled to one Senator, who shall be elected
by the qualified voters of the said legislative districts of
Baltimore City and of the counties of the State, respectively,
and shall serve for four years from the date of his election,
subject to the classification of Senators hereafter provided for.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority afore-
said, That said aforegoing section, hereby proposed as an
amendment to the Constitution, shall be at the next general
election for Members of the House of Representatives of Con-
gress held in this State submitted to the legal and qualified
voters of the State for adoption or rejection, in pursuance of
the directions contained in Article XIV of the Constitution
of this State, and at the said general election the vote on the
said proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be by bal-
lot, and upon each ballot there shall be printed the words
"For the Constitutional Amendment" and "Against the Con-
stitutional Amendment", as now provided by law, and im-
mediately after said election due returns shall be made to the
Governor of the vote for and against said proposed amend-
ment, as directed by said Fourteenth Article of the Consti-