by a right line drawne from the Promontory
or Cape of Land called Watkins Point (fituate
in the forefaid Bay, neere the river of Wighco)
on the Weft, unto the maine Ocean on the
Eaft; and betweene that bound on the South,
unto that part of Delaware Bay on the North,
which lieth under the fortieth degree of Nor-
therly Latitude from the Equinoctiall, where
New-England ends, And all that tract of land
betweene the bounds aforefaid; that is to fay,
paffing from the forefaid Bay, called Delaware
Bay, in a right line by the degree aforefaid, un-
to the true Meridian of the firft fountaine of
the River of Pattowmeck, and from thence
trending toward the South unto the farther
banke of the fore-faid River, and following the
Weft and South fide thereof unto a certaine
place called Cinquack, fituate neere the mouth
of the faid River, where it falls into the Bay of
Chefopeak, and from thence by a ftraight line
unto the forefaid Promontory, and place called
Watkins Point, (So that all that tract of land di-
vided by the line aforefaid, drawne bctweene
the maine Ocean, and Watkins Point unto the
Promontory called Cape Charles, and all its a-
purtenances, doe remaine intirely excepted to
us, our heires, and Successors forever.)
WEE DOE alfo grant and confirme un-
to the faid now Lord Baltemore, his heires
and Affignes, all Ilands, and Iletts within the-
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