limitts aforefaid, and all and fingular the
Ilands and Iletts, which are, or shall be in the
Ocean, within 10. Leagues from the Eafterne
fhoare of the faid Countrey, towards the Eaft,
with all and fingular Ports, Harbors, Bayes,
Rivers, and Inletts, belonging unto the Coun-
trey, or Ilands aforefaid: And all the Soile,
lands, Fields, Woods, Mountaines, Fennes,
Lakes, Rivers, Bayes, and Inletts, fituate, or
being within the bounds, and limits aforefaid,
with the fifhing of all forts of fish, whales, Stur-
geons, and all other royal fifhes in the Sea, Bays,
Inletts, or Rivers, within the premifes: and the
fifh therein taken: and moreover all Veines,
Mines, and Quarries, af well difcovered, as not
difcovered, of Gold, Siluer, Gemmes, and pre-
tious ftones, and all other whatfbever, be it of
Stones, Mettalls, or of any other thing, or mat-
ter whatfoever, found, or to bee found with-
in the Countrey, Iles, and limits aforefaid.
And Furthermore the Patronages and Ad-
uowfons of all Churches, which (as Chri-
ftian Religion fhall encreafe within the
Countrey, Iles, Iletts, and limits afore-
faid) fhall happen hereafter to bee erected:
together with licence and power, to build and
found Churches, Chappells, and Oratories, in
convenient and fit places within the premifes,
and to caufe them to be dedicated, and confe-
crated according to the Ecclefiafticall Lawes