ron of Baltemore In the fame Kingdome of Ire-
land, purfuing his Fathers intentions, being ex-
cited with a laudable and pious zeale for the
propagation of the Chriftian Faith,and the en-
largement of our Empire and Dominion, hath
humbly befought leave of Vs, by his induftry
and charge, to tranfport an ample Colony of
the English Nation unto a certaine Countrey
hereafter defcribed, in the parts of America,
not yet cultivated and planted, though in fome
parts thereof inhabited by certaine barbarous
people, having no knowledge of Almighty
God, and hath humbly befought our Royall
Majeftie to give, grant, and confirme all the
faid Countrey, with certaine Priviledges and
Iurifdictions, requifite for the good govern-
ment, and ftate of his Colony, and Countrey a-
foresaid, to him and his heires for ever.
The bounds
KNOW YEE therefore, that Wee fa-
vouring the Pious, and Noble purpofe of the
faid Barons of Baltemore, of our fpeciall grace,
certaine knowledge, and meere motion, have
given, granted, and confirmed, and by this our
prefent Charter, for Vs, Our Heires, and Suc-
cessors, doe give, grant and confirme unto the
faid Cecilius, now Baron of Baltemore, his heires
and Afsignes, all that part of a Penjnfula, lying
in the parts of America, betweene the Ocean
on the Eaft, and the Bay of Chefopeack on the
Weft, and divided from the other part thereof,