CHAP. 90.
exander Hanna, Washington S. Cook, J. H. Warfield,
Samuel S. Lea, George H. Sanderson, George H. War-
field, Samuel Benson, J. L. Nicholson, W. Cook, Samuel
Lindall, Robert Bines, Thomas H. Cooper, John Busk, J.
Sleeper, William H. Fowble, James H. Cox, W.B. Benner,
William H. Watson, Henry Starr, Jr., and W. G. Cook,
and all and every other person or persons hereafter becom-
ing members of the Central Savings Institution of Balti-
more, in the manner hereafter mentioned, shall be, and are
hereby created and made a corporation and body politic,
by the name and style of "The Central Savings Institution
of Baltimore," and by that name shall have succession,
and be capable, by law, to hold and dispose of property, to
sue and be sued, pleatl and be impleaded, answer and de-
fend, and be answered and defended, in courts of law and
equity, or in any other place whatever, and to receive and
make all deeds, transfers, contracts, covenants, conveyan-
ces, and grants, whatsoever; and to make, have, and use, a
common seal, and the same to change and renew at plea-
sure; and generally to do every other act or thing necessa-
ry to carry into effect the provisions of this act.
Election of direc-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That there shall be a meeting
of the Members of the said Central Savings Institution of
Baltimore, on such day in the month of April next, and at
such place as the five persons first named in this act, or
any three of them, shall appoint, and give at least ten days
notice of such meeting in two or more newspapers printed
in the City of Baltimore, and on such day in the month of
All subsequent
April next, and at such place, annually thereafter, as the
by-laws of said Institution shall provide, for the purpose of
choosing, from among the members, nine Directors, to
manage the affairs of said Institution, for twelve months
thereafter, and until a new election shall take place; and
the five members first above named, shall be judges of the
first election of Directors, and the judges of all future elec-
tions shall be appointed, and notice of such elections given,
in such manner as the by-laws of said Institution shall
provide; Provided, That such election shall be made within
one month from the expiration of the term lor -which the
preceding Directors shall have been elected.
Powers of direc-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the Directors, for the
time being, or a majority of them, shall have power to elect
members, to fill all vacancies that may occur in the Presi-
dency or Directory; to appoint all such officers, agents, and
servants, as they shall deem necessary to conduct or exe-