cute the business and affairs of the Institution; to fix their
compensation, and at their discretion to dismiss them; to
provide for the taking of bonds to the Corporation, from
all or any of the officers, agents, or servants, by them so ap-
pointed, with security, conditioned in such form as they
shall prescribe, for the faithful execution of their several
duties, and to secure the Corporation from loss; to regulate
the manner of making and receiving deposites; the form of
certificates to be issued to Depositors, and the manner of
transferring the same; to provide for the investment of the
funds of the Corporation in such manner as they shall deem
most safe and beneficial; to provide for the admission of
members, and furnishing proof of such admission; to ex-
clude members when they have not any property in said
Corporation; to provide for paying all necessary expenses in
conducting the affairs of the Corporation; and generally to
pass all such by-laws as shall be necessary to the exercise
of said power, and of the other powers vested in said Cor-
poration by this charter, and the said by-laws, from time
CHAP. 90.
to time, to alter and repeal; Provided, That all such by-
laws as shall be made by the Directors, may be altered or
repealed by a majority of the Members assembled at any
annual meeting, or at any general meeting, called in pur-
suance of any by-law, made for that purpose; and the ma-
jority of the Members may, at any annual or general meet-
ing, pass by-laws which shall be binding upon the Direc-
tors; Provided, That such by by-laws shall not be contra-
ry to the laws of this State, or of the United States.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That said corporation shall
be capbable of receiving from any free person or persons
Receive deposits
any deposte or deposites of money, and that all monies
so received shall be invested in public stocks, or other se-
curities, at the discretion of the Directors, and in the man-
ner deemed most safe and beneficial.
Make investments
Sec. 2. And be. it enacted, That every person who shall
be a regular weekly depositor of said corporation, and who
shall have deposited not less than one dollar in each week
for the period of twelve successive months, shall have the
privilege of becoming a member of said corporation, and
shall have the right to require and receive from the proper
officer thereof, under its laws, a certificate of membership;
and that when such depositor shall have received such
certificate of membership, he shall thereby become entitled
to all the rights and privileges of a number of said corpo-
ration, under its by-laws, or under the provisions of this
Privilege of mem-
act; Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be so